Christian E. Stalberg
- 2020 Masters in Biomimicry (in process) Arizona State University
- 2018 Disaster Preparedness & Response Training, Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies, Oakland, CA
- 1986 B.A. Environmental Studies & Planning, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA
d.b.a. Christian E. Stalberg, various locations
1990 – present
Independent Consultant
Provide a variety of services to clients in both the private and public sectors. Examples include:
- Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture – authored training videos on wildfire readiness for small farmers & ranchers in the western states.
- Tampa Bay Water – Authored Emergency Action Plan for 15 billion gallon Tampa Bay Regional Reservoir.
- Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (CDMHA) – Prepared plan for ALERTAR, a network for humanitarian assistance and disaster preparedness, response, recovery & mitigation serving the Caribbean and Central and South America. Co-authored original proposal for CDMHA.
- State of Florida – Provided technical assistance to Governor’s Community Redevelopment Task Force on the design and development of a management information system for tracking $22 million in HUD funds for post-disaster redevelopment projects.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, various locations
Disaster Assistance Employee/Hazard Mitigation Specialist
On-call hazard mitigation assignments for Regions IX (Atlanta) and IX (San Francisco).
- Co-authored Standard Operating Procedures manual for hazard mitigation programs.
- Reviewed design of federal hazard mitigation programs database (Automated Disaster Assistance Management System) in Advanced Revelation.
- Conducted field surveys and wrote Hazard Mitigation Survey Team reports for Typhoons Axel and Zelda (Marshall Islands and Micronesia, respectively), Hurricane Emily (North Carolina), severe ice storms (Mississippi), and tornadoes (Alabama).
David M. Griffith and Associates Ltd., Louisiana and Florida
Project Manager
Provided technical assistance to various government clients in Louisiana and Florida following Hurricane Andrew through a nationwide disaster grants management practice based in Northbrook, Illinois. Served as lead advisor to the Florida Governor’s Authorized Representative regarding Hurricane Andrew recovery.
- Provided technical assistance on design and development of the state’s management information systems in Microsoft Access for federal disaster assistance funds allocation.
- Developed technical specifications for a disaster claims RDMS in Oracle for the South Florida Water Management District.
- Revised State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Emergency Management’s Administrative Plan for the Public Assistance program.
- Assisted in the design and implementation of a business process reorganization of the Governor’s Hurricane Andrew Recovery Office in Dade County.
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services – Sacramento, CA
Special Consultant/Hazard Mitigation Specialist
Administration and management of federal hazard mitigation programs, including planning (Section 409) and grant program (Section 404) for six California disasters, including the Loma Prieta earthquake (1989), Santa Barbara fire (1990), Oakland fire (1991), Southern California flood (1992), Cape Mendocino earthquake (1992), and Landers/Big Bear earthquake (1992). Considerable contact with participating agencies, including federal, state and local government and private non-profit organizations.
- Developed RDMS in Advanced Revelation for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) applicant, project, and funds tracking.
- Conducted feasibility study and developed technical specifications for an agency-wide emergency management geographic information system (GIS).
- Design, development, implementation, administration and management of $42 million HMGP, including: application and assurance documents; grantee application workshops; processing and project ranking procedures; risk/benefit analyses for determining project cost‑effectiveness; scoring mechanism for project selection; environmental regulations compliance; and specification of program tracking criteria for data processing.
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection – Sacramento, CA
Fire Prevention Analyst
Development of fire prevention programs and policy, as well as analysis of fire safe practices and enforcement in an agency responsible for 35 million acres of wildland. Considerable contact with county governments regarding the manner in which they address fire hazards within their jurisdiction through their general plans and ordinances.
- Developed support, both within and outside of agency, to amend Assembly Bill 429 that created a Geographic Information Systems Task Force for purposes of setting standards and coordinating GIS use among state agencies.
- Edited “A Survey of California County Land-Use Planning Considerations for Fire Protection in the Wildland/Urban Interface/Intermix” published October, 1991.
- Served as personal assistant to the Incident Commander for the Oakland fire, the largest conflagration in S. history, advising in the areas of finance, data processing, damage surveying, geographical information systems, and inter-agency relations as the point-of-contact with Oakland City, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES).
- Advanced Class FCC Amateur Radio License N6DJR
- Publications include “The Intelligent City and Emergency Management in the 21st Century”, Proceedings: The International Emergency Management and Engineering Conference, April 18-21, 1994; “Disaster Patrol: New Laws and a Change in Policy at FEMA Are Putting Hazard Mitigation on a Better Footing”, Planning, Vol. 61, No. 2 (1995); “Documenting Disaster Recovery Costs”, Government Finance Review, December 01, 1992.