Climate Change Adaptation in Bolivia

During the months of February and March I traveled across Bolivia having meetings with mostly public sector actors, as well as giving presentations. I met with Ministers, Vice Ministers, university Rectors/Vice-Rectors, a Governor, a former mayor, numerous local officials, and representatives of several NGO’s. The discussions focused on environmental problems and potential solutions. They ranged from the biggest most visible problems, such as deforestation from fire and mercury contamination from artisanal gold mining, to contamination of surface waters, destruction of aquifer recharge zones, and development encroachment into sensitive, protected areas. Also discussed was the ineffectiveness of government to protect public health and safety from hazards, including the absence of environmental jurisprudence, as well as their inadequate disaster readiness resulting in increased injuries and loss of life and property. Several initiatives are being explored to bring resources to bear on these problems.

COP26 “Greenwashing Festival” Ended – Now What?


Our world has become too politicized and economized. Everyone’s an expert. Thankfully there are scientists who remain undaunted by our pathetic state of affairs and are doing the hard work of providing sound guidance as to what must be done at this time. The time has come where the people must force their governments to do what’s necessary to save earth systems that support life. That translates into disaster declarations globally and instituting emergency actions across the board as cited in this report.

Localization is the Appropriate Response to Climate Chaos

ACLO lecture advertisement

Touring Bolivia giving lectures about localization expressed as ‘ecopueblos’ as a response to climate chaos in an effort to cease migration to the cities. Working with UNDP, the private sector, government, academia and civil society groups. We all need to be on the same page in this effort! #climatechange #environment #climate #climateemergency #globalwarming #climatechaosmitigation #climatechaosadaptation #climatechaosresilience

California Deluge

Stereoscope photo of J Street in Sacramento during the 1862 flood.Stereoscope photo of J Street in Sacramento during the 1862 flood. Charles L. Weed/California State Library

In addition to wildfires and earthquakes, California also experiences floods. Sometimes they can be massive and devastating floods. A meteorological phenomenon known as ‘atmospheric rivers’ can unleash huge amounts of moisture onto the California land surface. Occurring once every one to two hundred years, the USGS refers to these events as ARkStorms. The last such event took place in 1861-62. For further information, visit ARkStorm Scenario and The Biblical Flood That Will Drown California.

Undisclosed: Most Homebuyers And Renters Aren’t Warned About Flood Or Wildfire Risk

Humans disconnect from, and arrogance towards, nature and Earth systems has led to unprecedented vulnerability. Climate chaos is now exposing how human habitat is burdened with structural vulnerability, with the real estate industry being just one example. Major reform is required. No more business as usual!
truck in flooded field
Undisclosed: Most Homebuyers And Renters Aren’t Warned About Flood Or Wildfire Risk

Crisis Gardening: Fresh Food Fast

Food security should be job number one for everyone right about now. As our food supply is under increasing threat, taking matters into your own hands (by working with the soil and nature’s forces) can provide both food and sanity. You’d be amazed how much food you can grow in a small amount of space and how good you’ll feel working with living things. What are you waiting for?

Farmers Build Fire Resilience

picture of farmers harvesting breathing wildfire smoke

Having a background in both agriculture and disasters led me to develop course materials for an on-line course for farmers and ranchers on how to prepare for, mitigate against, respond to, and recover from, projected increased incidents of wildfire. While the course was inspired by the record-setting conflagrations in northern California of 2017-2018 which impacted small farmers and ranchers, attendees are from a number of states and Canada.

Becoming a Spokesperson on Deep Adaptation

Christian Stalberg, human habitat relocalization and biomimicry evangelist in the Sierra Nevada of California, USA. Professional backgrounds in: energy efficient buildings; disaster readiness; villagification; farming; appropriate technology; telecomputing; construction; cooperatives; intentional communities and ecovillages. “Because of climate chaos, we are all vulnerable to lifeline (e.g. food, water, energy) failures, and should be prepared.”

– from Source a Spokesperson on Deep Adaptation by Jem Bendell