How Net Zero Killed 1.5

“The Paris Agreement is dead. The celebrated target marked in ink in 2016 has been killed by the focus on technocratic solutions over systemic change. Now, rather than address the frightening reality spawned by delusion and incompetence, we’re heading even faster towards two degrees—and that being the new acceptable target. Earth system scientist James Dyke explains that we cannot allow this new target to be set, which the fossil fuel industry is pushing for. ” – from the introduction

‘Net zero’ is arguably the biggest and most widespread ruse ever perpetrated  worldwide by a capitalist cabal. It continues even now…unabated.

Climate Change Adaptation in Bolivia

During the months of February and March I traveled across Bolivia having meetings with mostly public sector actors, as well as giving presentations. I met with Ministers, Vice Ministers, university Rectors/Vice-Rectors, a Governor, a former mayor, numerous local officials, and representatives of several NGO’s. The discussions focused on environmental problems and potential solutions. They ranged from the biggest most visible problems, such as deforestation from fire and mercury contamination from artisanal gold mining, to contamination of surface waters, destruction of aquifer recharge zones, and development encroachment into sensitive, protected areas. Also discussed was the ineffectiveness of government to protect public health and safety from hazards, including the absence of environmental jurisprudence, as well as their inadequate disaster readiness resulting in increased injuries and loss of life and property. Several initiatives are being explored to bring resources to bear on these problems.

How Family Estrangement May Benefit Trauma Survivors

No one estranges from people who make them feel safe.

by Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC


    • Despite its potential benefits, family estrangement continues to be stigmatized.
    • Survivors require safe and valuable relationships and group dynamics.
    • Survivors need to exert their agency.

It’s been years since I’ve seen or spoken to my mother, and it was one of the best decisions of my life.

I was the perfect daughter who earned straight As, behaved well, and acted as a caretaker for my mother and younger brother. Then, I realized I had survived childhood emotional and physical neglect perpetrated by my parents, which negatively impacted my ability to thrive as an adult. When I decided to become estranged from my mother (my father had died years earlier), I made substantial progress in trauma recovery. My decision was not popular within my family, community, or society, yet it was necessary.

Family estrangement is a misunderstood and stigmatized experience. When trauma survivors discuss their estrangements with others, they are often met with judgment, gaslighting, and sometimes even victim blaming. Family estrangements can be short-term, long-term, or permanent, and there are many reasons why survivors may need to initiate and maintain estrangements. Understanding these needs might help decrease the stigma surrounding estrangement, allowing survivors to feel understood and supported.

Read full article at Psychology Today

Capitalism Defiles the Truth

removed linkedin post about Ivermectin

Social media companies bow to capitalist demands, filtering content which clashes with their profiteering. This even if it flies in the face of the truth.  I posted an article on LinkedIn published on the National Institute of Health’s website on the use of Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in poor countries, and it was removed. LinkedIn no doubt removed the post as it clashed with their corporate customer’s carefully orchestrated campaign against Ivermectin  in order to further boost their obscene and unconscionable profits from their exclusive intellectual property vaccines which they refuse to share with the world.

We now live in a world of advanced capitalism which increasingly defiles the truth. Whenever mis and dis-information occurs, the old adage ‘follow the money’ will set you free to discover the truth.

Militarism versus Global Health

I just learned about the “One World, One Health” initiative that would address zoonotic diseases. You should too. Visit

Imagine a trillion dollar commitment to modernize the nuclear arsenal. That plus another all-time high for the US military budget of $768 billion.

Comparatively, nothing is being spent on addressing pandemic-creating phenomenon and US exceptionalism thwarting international cooperation prevails.

The US government has failed us miserably. This initiative should have been fast tracked. The minions who currently occupy our government posts need to be replaced with with true servants of, by and for the people, providing real leadership for ensuring ecological health.