COP26 “Greenwashing Festival” Ended – Now What?


Our world has become too politicized and economized. Everyone’s an expert. Thankfully there are scientists who remain undaunted by our pathetic state of affairs and are doing the hard work of providing sound guidance as to what must be done at this time. The time has come where the people must force their governments to do what’s necessary to save earth systems that support life. That translates into disaster declarations globally and instituting emergency actions across the board as cited in this report.

DIY Solar PV Array

solar PV array

It’s been awhile since I last undertook a significant construction project (years actually). Building this superstructure for a 2.9Kw solar photovoltaic array out of simple materials for my off-grid house was a personal challenge. The design is a replica of one my neighbor up the road devised. Except for a little help from my son in the beginning (digging the shelf into the hillside and placing 4 of the 6 steel pipe columns), I did the entire project myself. With this array charging a 595 amp hour battery in sunny California weather, I expect to rarely, if ever, need to use the back up generator!