Capitalism Defiles the Truth

removed linkedin post about Ivermectin

Social media companies bow to capitalist demands, filtering content which clashes with their profiteering. This even if it flies in the face of the truth.  I posted an article on LinkedIn published on the National Institute of Health’s website on the use of Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in poor countries, and it was removed. LinkedIn no doubt removed the post as it clashed with their corporate customer’s carefully orchestrated campaign against Ivermectin  in order to further boost their obscene and unconscionable profits from their exclusive intellectual property vaccines which they refuse to share with the world.

We now live in a world of advanced capitalism which increasingly defiles the truth. Whenever mis and dis-information occurs, the old adage ‘follow the money’ will set you free to discover the truth.

Militarism versus Global Health

I just learned about the “One World, One Health” initiative that would address zoonotic diseases. You should too. Visit

Imagine a trillion dollar commitment to modernize the nuclear arsenal. That plus another all-time high for the US military budget of $768 billion.

Comparatively, nothing is being spent on addressing pandemic-creating phenomenon and US exceptionalism thwarting international cooperation prevails.

The US government has failed us miserably. This initiative should have been fast tracked. The minions who currently occupy our government posts need to be replaced with with true servants of, by and for the people, providing real leadership for ensuring ecological health.

Globalization: Structural Violence & Precarity Institution

The largest trade agreement ever  – the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – starts today. Globalization continues apace disrupting  local, national and regional economies, expanding the precariat, neutering local community control, wiping out self-reliance & self-sufficiency knowledge and skill sets, and creating unsustainable dependencies for essential goods and services.  The real tragedy of this economistic zombie death march however is what climate chaos impacts will do over time. As supply chains fail, states and their populations will reel in crisis. What is needed is localization, the opposite of globalization.

British Court Approves Julian Assange Extradition to the US

File:Julian Assange - 9060712888 (cropped).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The British court’s ruling to extradite Julian Assange to the United States to face charges there, boosts fascism and state secrecy, sending a chilling message to the practice of journalism everywhere. The vendetta against Julian, pursued by deranged actors inside the US government seeking revenge for his exposing their ‘secrets’, is being carried out.

Today is a low point in the history of press freedom and democracy. Without a free press reporting on state actions, government can perpetrate atrocities in our name, without our consent, undermining our safety and security.

Once regarded as a paragon of  press freedom supporting democracy in the world, with this act, the United States government is following in the tradition of the worst of fascist states in their destruction of a free press. Long live the free and unfettered press!

COP26 “Greenwashing Festival” Ended – Now What?


Our world has become too politicized and economized. Everyone’s an expert. Thankfully there are scientists who remain undaunted by our pathetic state of affairs and are doing the hard work of providing sound guidance as to what must be done at this time. The time has come where the people must force their governments to do what’s necessary to save earth systems that support life. That translates into disaster declarations globally and instituting emergency actions across the board as cited in this report.

Militarism vs Climate Chaos Readiness

US military budget growth

The military industrial complex is a Frankenstein’s monster that must be reigned in. How? By replacing elected ignorant automaton representatives who pander to the monster with people of vision and intelligence. Sounds simple doesn’t it? It’s not. Both parties pander to the military. We must replace militarism with a reasonable level of defense only, redirecting the resources now being squandered on militaristic imperial forays towards more pressing matters, like climate chaos. The window is closing on the time remaining for the state to be proactive to address climate chaos. Soon the state will be overwhelmed responding to emergencies and disasters resulting from anthropogenic climate chaos. The money currently being wasted on militarism should be redirected towards mitigation and adaptation activities now.


Localization is the Appropriate Response to Climate Chaos

ACLO lecture advertisement

Touring Bolivia giving lectures about localization expressed as ‘ecopueblos’ as a response to climate chaos in an effort to cease migration to the cities. Working with UNDP, the private sector, government, academia and civil society groups. We all need to be on the same page in this effort! #climatechange #environment #climate #climateemergency #globalwarming #climatechaosmitigation #climatechaosadaptation #climatechaosresilience

Drone Program Whistleblower Receives Harsh Sentence

I personally wrote the judge about whistleblower Daniel Hale’s case requesting leniency in his sentencing. In my letter I stated “…how could a person of conscience not speak out? The impact of carrying out orders, carrying the burden of responsibility, would certainly wear a person down, questioning right from wrong, whether the ends justify the means, etc. Drone pilots are traumatized, with drug abuse, domestic violence and even suicide being the end result.” and “This young man strikes me as being an upstanding person of conscience who has suffered the ill effects of serving as a UAV pilot for targeted assassinations. I can well imagine Daniel obviously grappled with his conscience and decided to act on what in his estimation was the right, moral and just thing to do. I ask you to drop all charges against Daniel and not punish a young man for turning humane and for his actions of attempting to cease further harm.”

Daniel is a hero having provided the public with irrefutable proof that 90% of the victims of the US military drone strike program are innocents, striking wedding, funeral parties, agricultural workers, etc. e.g.  Loved ones buried after US drone strike kills 30 pine nut pickers in Afghanistan. We now know that the claims for precision are outright lies. The program is slaughtering innocents including women and children. In addition to being illegal and immoral, the US military drone program makes US citizens less safe as it foments anger and hate and the desire to strike back at the US for their slaughtering of innocents (another 911 anyone?). This is just simple common sense. Only the out-of-control heartless, evil, and immoral military industrial complex benefits.