The Unchained Goddess 1958 – Bell Science Hour (Discusses Weather / Climate Change)
As this film clip proves, as early as 1958 scientists speculated on the impact upon climate of human activities altering the earth’s atmosphere. Do you think the oil companies knew about this risk? Of course they did. Not only did they hide the fact, they undertook a campaign of obfuscation to mislead and confuse consumers.
‘Vegan spider silk’ provides sustainable alternative to single-use plastics
It is high time that benign substitutes for petroleum-based plastics be researched and developed. We’re poisoning the living earth, especially the oceans, and ourselves, with plastics pollution. Green chemistry and biomimicry hold great promise for homo sapiens most vexing challenges. Now if we can shift the funding from nuclear weapons modernization to life giving R&D producing products like this, we can leave our descendants a livable Earth. #materials #plastics #biomimicry #spiders #silk #petroleum #pollutionprevention #innovation #ecology #greenchemistry
REVEALED: The “Dark Money” Playbook for Rigging US Elections
Democracy is being destroyed by economism, multilateral treaties, globalization and other forces by omission or commission. Here is an example of blatant willful undermining of democracy. Shameful! #Politics #DarkMoney #HeritageAction
A People’s Guide to the War Industry
A People’s Guide to the War Industry is an excellent series about the war industry with truth telling like you’ve never heard before. Imagine if even a fraction of these resources were reallocated to just, peaceful, compassionate & caring causes…
A People’s Guide to the War Industry -5: Portfolio of Conflicts
Israel’s Settler-Colonialism Apartheid
The turkey shoot that Israel is currently conducting in Gaza today, is merely the latest ‘mowing of the lawn‘ that Israel periodically conducts. The larger issue, of Israeli state imposed apartheid, is what merits exposure which, by the way, is illegal under international law. The included article is helpful in understanding the present situation, as is Chris Hedge’s article The Zionist Colonization of Palestine.
Ending the Greenwashing
On this Earth Day I am posting a link to an online event that was recorded on April 17th as in my opinion it speaks to what this day is supposed to be all about. While some people may have differences with the event sponsoring organization, when it comes to the other than human natural world, I admire their truth telling, as disturbing as it is, and that is why I am sharing it here.
Fairytales of Growth
These Self-Decapitating Sea Slugs Can Grow an Entire New Body on The Old Head
Nature is miraculous. The more we learn about our kin, what seems almost supernatural to us, causes wonder and amazement, and gives us pause. In that pause we must consider how little we know about life…really. The tragedy is that we are extincting species that could teach us the greatest lessons of life. If only we could adapt, cease harm, listen, and then emulate. #life #biomimicry #biology #regeneration