Liberal democracies are abject failures. The evidence is mounting everywhere we look.
Between the sacred and the profane.
Liberal democracies are abject failures. The evidence is mounting everywhere we look.
I was fortunate in being able to attend ANTICOP 2024 in Oaxaca, Mexico a couple of weeks ago. Getting outside of the United States and being with other activists from around the world is always rejuvenating and renewing. Themes that were explored at ANTICOP included globalization, extractivism, militarism, land and water grabs, community displacement, government inaction towards climate change, and the commodification of nature. All this just before the 29th United Nations Climate Change conference, which will be recorded in the history books as one of the greatest ruses of all time.
Final conference statement (from the organizers)
I was on this trip. There is so much to report. The commune movement for local democracy and self-reliance is amazing with thousands of communes, both urban and rural, nationwide. Meanwhile this important work which is crucial for the future of humanity is being crushed by the sanctions imposed on Venezuela by the US government.
I encourage everybody to attend this webinar to learn the truth of what’s really going on in Venezuela. The lies perpetrated by the US government acting on behalf of the US-based oil companies and former Venezuelan oligarchs will be dispelled.
I hope to live so long so as to see a comparable sign somewhere here in the USA having staked out territory free from the subjugating, precarious, dehumanizing, kleptocratic, capitalist, fascist, police state we are living in at present.
The British court’s ruling to extradite Julian Assange to the United States to face charges there, boosts fascism and state secrecy, sending a chilling message to the practice of journalism everywhere. The vendetta against Julian, pursued by deranged actors inside the US government seeking revenge for his exposing their ‘secrets’, is being carried out.
Today is a low point in the history of press freedom and democracy. Without a free press reporting on state actions, government can perpetrate atrocities in our name, without our consent, undermining our safety and security.
Once regarded as a paragon of press freedom supporting democracy in the world, with this act, the United States government is following in the tradition of the worst of fascist states in their destruction of a free press. Long live the free and unfettered press!
Democracy is being destroyed by economism, multilateral treaties, globalization and other forces by omission or commission. Here is an example of blatant willful undermining of democracy. Shameful! #Politics #DarkMoney #HeritageAction