Green Building Movement Founder Sim van der Ryn Passes

I recently learned that Sim van der Ryn passed away. Sim’s work influenced me greatly. In the mid-80s I was studying passive design architecture at CSU Sonoma and was affiliated with the Farallones Institute. I also was the last caretaker/tour operator of the Integral Urban House in Berkeley, California. For some strange reason I remember one Farallones Institute Board meeting he had arranged to be  held on a houseboat in Sausalito. The last saw Sim at the 2019 fortieth reunion of the Farallones Institute.

Drone Program Whistleblower Receives Harsh Sentence

I personally wrote the judge about whistleblower Daniel Hale’s case requesting leniency in his sentencing. In my letter I stated “…how could a person of conscience not speak out? The impact of carrying out orders, carrying the burden of responsibility, would certainly wear a person down, questioning right from wrong, whether the ends justify the means, etc. Drone pilots are traumatized, with drug abuse, domestic violence and even suicide being the end result.” and “This young man strikes me as being an upstanding person of conscience who has suffered the ill effects of serving as a UAV pilot for targeted assassinations. I can well imagine Daniel obviously grappled with his conscience and decided to act on what in his estimation was the right, moral and just thing to do. I ask you to drop all charges against Daniel and not punish a young man for turning humane and for his actions of attempting to cease further harm.”

Daniel is a hero having provided the public with irrefutable proof that 90% of the victims of the US military drone strike program are innocents, striking wedding, funeral parties, agricultural workers, etc. e.g.  Loved ones buried after US drone strike kills 30 pine nut pickers in Afghanistan. We now know that the claims for precision are outright lies. The program is slaughtering innocents including women and children. In addition to being illegal and immoral, the US military drone program makes US citizens less safe as it foments anger and hate and the desire to strike back at the US for their slaughtering of innocents (another 911 anyone?). This is just simple common sense. Only the out-of-control heartless, evil, and immoral military industrial complex benefits.

Israel’s Settler-Colonialism Apartheid

​This is not a conflict. This is apartheid

The turkey shoot that Israel is currently conducting in Gaza today, is merely the latest ‘mowing of the lawn‘ that Israel periodically conducts. The larger issue, of Israeli state imposed apartheid, is what merits exposure which, by the way, is illegal under international law. The included article is helpful in understanding the present situation, as is Chris Hedge’s article The Zionist Colonization of Palestine.

California Deluge

Stereoscope photo of J Street in Sacramento during the 1862 flood.Stereoscope photo of J Street in Sacramento during the 1862 flood. Charles L. Weed/California State Library

In addition to wildfires and earthquakes, California also experiences floods. Sometimes they can be massive and devastating floods. A meteorological phenomenon known as ‘atmospheric rivers’ can unleash huge amounts of moisture onto the California land surface. Occurring once every one to two hundred years, the USGS refers to these events as ARkStorms. The last such event took place in 1861-62. For further information, visit ARkStorm Scenario and The Biblical Flood That Will Drown California.