How Family Estrangement May Benefit Trauma Survivors
No one estranges from people who make them feel safe.
- Despite its potential benefits, family estrangement continues to be stigmatized.
- Survivors require safe and valuable relationships and group dynamics.
- Survivors need to exert their agency.
It’s been years since I’ve seen or spoken to my mother, and it was one of the best decisions of my life.
I was the perfect daughter who earned straight As, behaved well, and acted as a caretaker for my mother and younger brother. Then, I realized I had survived childhood emotional and physical neglect perpetrated by my parents, which negatively impacted my ability to thrive as an adult. When I decided to become estranged from my mother (my father had died years earlier), I made substantial progress in trauma recovery. My decision was not popular within my family, community, or society, yet it was necessary.
Family estrangement is a misunderstood and stigmatized experience. When trauma survivors discuss their estrangements with others, they are often met with judgment, gaslighting, and sometimes even victim blaming. Family estrangements can be short-term, long-term, or permanent, and there are many reasons why survivors may need to initiate and maintain estrangements. Understanding these needs might help decrease the stigma surrounding estrangement, allowing survivors to feel understood and supported.
Lies My Education Taught Me About Capitalism & Democracy Unraveled
Schooling the World
Modern (Western) education promulgates practices crafted by the ruling elites to destroy Nature, commit cultural genocide, and brainwash people into becoming materialistic consumers living in controlled urban settings…all to concentrate their power and wealth. This film lays out these truths beautifully.
Carbon Offsets: A Weapon of Mass Distraction
Capital capture is endlessly ingenious and disaster capitalism is simply one of its manifestations. Within capitalism the present climate crisis is arguably at least as financially lucrative if not more so than war. One of the biggest scams of all time is currently in play: carbon emissions trading. This expose recently aired on Al Jazeera and does a good job exposing this deceptive scheme.
Launch of the Ecosocial Energy Manifesto from the Peoples of the South
The Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transition from the Peoples of the South, is an important new call from the Global South for a real, clean, and equitable transformation away from fossil fuels, the trashing of nature, and the disproportionate consumption patterns of the wealthiest countries. The manifesto can be read and individuals and organizations can add their signature here.
I Have a Dream
I hope to live so long so as to see a comparable sign somewhere here in the USA having staked out territory free from the subjugating, precarious, dehumanizing, kleptocratic, capitalist, fascist, police state we are living in at present.
As war profiteering escalates reaching unprecedented heights, it is important to expose the truths that war veterans uncovered while serving. Please share this video.
Functional Definition of Fascism
U.S. government should end its prosecution of Julian Assange
“The U.S. government should end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets,” the editors of the Times, the Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El Pais wrote in a joint letter published Monday. #publishing #julianassange #publishingisnotacrime